#1 Quality in Leadership


I’m so excited to be sharing some insights on leadership.

As leaders, we must be people of integrity. There is a moral component to leadership. Someone has said integrity is how you act when no one is watching. I was in a Discount Tire Store in the Dallas area and I saw this sign on the wall:

When you are looking at the characteristics of how to build your personal life,

first comes integrity

second, motivation

 third, capacity

fourth, understanding

 fifth, knowledge

and last and least, experience

When I researched this quote, I found it was from business legend Carl Eller, who added these additional insights…

  • Without integrity, motivation is dangerous
  • Without motivation, capacity is impotent
  • Without capacity, understanding is limited
  • Without understanding, knowledge is meaningless
  • Without knowledge, experience is blind

Experience is easy to provide and quickly put to good use by people with all the other qualities. Make absolute integrity, the compass that guides you and everything that you do. And surround yourself only with people of flawless integrity.

Carl Eller, April 1999, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona

Integrity does not mean we are perfect…it means we are progressing in becoming people of character.



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